Corrective Orthodontic Models

Corrective Orthodontic Models

Invisible Orthodontics:

They are transparent splints that correct bad mouth occlusions and align the teeth. Made to measure for the patient and almost invisible at first glance.

Orthodontics With Aesthetic Brackets: 

Fixed appliances that are imposed on the teeth to correct the effect of bites and improve dental aesthetics. They were originally made of metal but today they are made of materials that make them practically invisible.

Ceramic Brackets: 

Made of ceramic materials the color of the tooth and very resistant.

Polysulfone Brackets: 

They consist of a polysulfone-based plastic composition, providing a high level of performance in orthodontic treatment. One of using this type of corrector is that it can be used for more serious overbite cases, thus preventing abrasions that are usually derived from the friction of the teeth and the bracket.

Corrective Orthodontic Models

Removable Brackets: 

Also known as SAR or rapid alignment system. Various studies claim that it is one of the fastest techniques to correct dental misalignment.

Lingual Orthodontics: 

The brackets are arranged on the inside of the teeth, on the lingual side, so they go completely unnoticed at a glance.

Treatment With Cosmetic Braces

The first is to go to the dental center for guidance and advice on each case. Everything must be treated in a personal and individualized way as each patient is unique. An X-ray will be carried out to assess the state of the teeth, both at a health and aesthetic level.

A detailed study of the patient’s needs will then be carried out to be able to advise them on what type of corrector they need and the duration of treatment. With all this data, you can get a very rough idea of the entire process and its follow-up, step by step.

Once the decision to start orthodontic treatment with the type of cosmetic brackets chosen has been made, it is when it can be said that the process begins with all the guarantees of obtaining the best results.

What cannot be ignored is that these treatments take time and you should not be in a hurry or suffer from stress. Setting the ultimate goal of achieving a beautiful and healthy smile in your mind should be the only idea that should be on your mind.

Less Wear On The Teeth.

When the teeth are aligned, their collision with each other is, to put it simply, natural. However, when they are crowded or crooked there is no harmony in the bite. These causes wear and tear on these teeth which will end up making them weaker and prone to more oral diseases. Orthodontics will correct defects and positional irregularities in those teeth.

Less Risk Of Tooth Decay.

 It is very common for people with crowded teeth to have more cavities. The reason is simple: it is not easy to clean your teeth when they have unnatural nooks and crannies where food debris can collect. Simply, neither toothbrushes nor dental floss is designed for this.

Less Risk Of Periodontal Disease. 

Together with the greater predisposition to suffer cavities, patients with defective dental occlusion may also have a higher risk of contracting periodontal diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis due to the accumulation of dental plaque in places that are difficult to access.

Less Tooth Mobility And Tooth Sensitivity.

 It is another of the consequences if the teeth are not in place. Logically, they weaken and begin to move. With orthodontic treatment, it is also possible to end cases of tooth sensitivity. Remember that tooth sensitivity occurs because there are stimuli that come into direct contact with the dentin that is in communication with the dental pulp. The pulp has nerve endings and, hence, that unpleasant sensation of pain when we drink something cold, hot, sweet, or sour. For example, when a tooth is mounted on another, it is very easy that part of that tooth is not well covered by gums and, therefore, that tooth sensitivity appears.

Less Bruxism. 

Grinding the teeth is indeed associated with stress problems, but it is also true that part of the problem may be in poor occlusion, that is, the upper and lower teeth do not fit properly. Orthodontics can solve or improve a condition such as bruxism, fortunately, more and more diagnosed and treated.

Less Back, Head, And Ear Pain. 

Many patients are surprised when they find that their teeth are corrected, they have much less back, ear, and headache pain. Think that if today there is harmony in your bite you will be tensing the entire area when you eat and do not forget that the head, ear, and cervical muscles are closely related. There are even postural problems in minors that are related to the lack of good orthodontic treatment.

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The Importance Of Follow-up Appointments With Your Orthodontist

The Importance Of Follow-up Appointments With Your Orthodontist

Once orthodontic treatment has started, the cooperation of the patient with the orthodontist is essential. One of the aspects in which this cooperation is fundamental is in the activation, at regular intervals, of the forces that we apply to the dentition and/or the jaws. The teeth and jaws move when we apply forces on them in the right direction and magnitude.

It has been proven that the most effective forces for movement are smooth and continuous, which is why it is necessary to activate them in successive control appointments to maintain the gentle and constant pressure necessary for the treatment to develop normally. The gentler the forces, the less discomfort will be for the patient, and an absence from follow-up appointments can never be made up with a greater applied force.

Although it seems that orthodontic treatment is carried out during adolescence or at an early age, there has indeed been a considerable increase in the number of adults who decide to follow orthodontic treatment. From Clínica Dental Dr. Montané we want to dedicate today’s article to explain what aesthetic orthodontics consists of.

The Importance Of Follow-up Appointments With Your Orthodontist

In recent years, new techniques have appeared to improve the already typical and well-known dental appliances or also called brackets. These aesthetic brackets are made of different materials to provide greater effectiveness and an almost invisible aesthetic effect.

This type of corrector has advantages over others that fulfill the same function and which would be the following:

• Aesthetic level of high value compared to the traditional ones.

• Being almost invisible, the patient tolerates discreetly wearing them.

• Treatment times are the same as usual.

• The price is affordable so it does not differ.

• These brackets cause a decrease in allergic reactions to the metal of the classic correctors.

• Avoid dental wear and problems derived from poor occlusion.

We say that cooperation is essential because not going to control appointments can delay the completion and even influence the final result of orthodontic treatment. Our team of dentists specialized in orthodontics want the same thing as you: that you recover your dental health and your smile as soon as possible, it is therefore essential that you do not miss any control appointment and that you go to all of them as we will indicate in our orthodontic clinic.

Check-up appointments with your orthodontist are essential for the success of the treatment

The frequency of follow-up appointments varies depending on the problem the patient presents and also on the chosen orthodontic system. The cooperation of the patient is also more necessary when it comes to attending these appointments if they have any special pathology, such as periodontal disease in adults.

 When you go to our exclusive orthodontic clinic, we will carry out a clinical examination to determine the most convenient type of treatment, proposing a second appointment to take complete records in case orthodontics indicated it. After it, we will proceed to comment on your case in a personalized and individualized way, evaluating various orthodontic treatment proposals and their characteristics.

Finally, we will proceed to the placement of the pertinent appliances and we will establish the control appointments. In them, we will adjust and renew the necessary forces and monitor the progress achieved. There will be adjustment appointments of longer and shorter duration, which require more or less concentration on the part of our team and, therefore, sometimes we will ask you to come first thing in the morning when it comes to adjustments with a specific complication, which require more attention than others more routine.

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